"He was in a suit, boldly hatless, striding along, a man of the world, a man of this splendid new world, a man both talented and, in some proud Finnish way, accomplished and urbane, a man successfully fighting a sense of himself as doomed - a romantic, stupid, and possibly self-fulfilling notion, but one that was driven inside him like a nail that had wormed itself deep into the heart of a tree."
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Coincidences and Disaster
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"He was in a suit, boldly hatless, striding along, a man of the world, a man of this splendid new world, a man both talented and, in some proud Finnish way, accomplished and urbane, a man successfully fighting a sense of himself as doomed - a romantic, stupid, and possibly self-fulfilling notion, but one that was driven inside him like a nail that had wormed itself deep into the heart of a tree."